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Digitalisation and Agility 

Using the Worksportal, an efficient digital project management is guaranteed - which ensures a professional and clear process from A-Z. Simultaneously, the portal ensures that all stakeholders in the process are in possession of updated drawings, specifications, budgets, project and schedules - and thus acts as a link between many stakeholders in mutual relations.

The solution is tailored by Pernexus Systems, in order for the portal to meet customer's needs. The portal is continuously optimized in collaboration with Pernexus in regards to potential change in needs or work processes.

With its transparency, the worksportal builds trust between stakeholders - where the collaboration is the focal point for optimized processes and value creation for our customers.

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Worksportal for utility companies

The utility company can control all digging projects through the Worksportal. By doing so, all stakeholders in the process are in possession of updated invoices, delivery notes and other financial documents and file formats, templates and forms.

Through the Worksportal, the utility company obtains significant quality improvements in excavation work - and thus also higher security of supply.

The Worksportal ensures that construction contracts are created to foster cooporation and quality, rather than conflict.  

Supply chain

In the construction industry the prevailing view is that it requires cooporation among many stakeholders to produce the final result. 
Organising parties in orderly chains demands the exchange of information in the exact format at the right timing. 
The Worksportal organises and manages information flows in the supply chain all the way up from the end customer that controls the rate and down to the individual employee level.

Purchase Management

Overview and reporting on the company's consumption of goods and services requires detailed data. Maintenance and collection of data from supplier invoices, especially on paper or scanned appendices can be rather complicated and time-consuming. 
In the Worksportal real-time data is collected during the the general daily use of the system. Therefore, it is possible for the procurement/management departments to follow both the individual product and services and he estimated completion degrees on giant construction projects in real-time. 


In the modern global world and with the high degree of specialisation products and services rarely emerged within the framework of a single company. This requires an effective cooperation. 
The Worksportal keeps track of the complexities of relationships between business partners, knowing that two parties can have several different relationships with different roles.

Energy supply

Utility companies are often faced with the challenge of combining ownership of complex physical infrastructure with outsourcing of critical installation- and maintenance tasks. Knowledge acquisition can easily be scattered when suppliers and suppliers' employees come and go. The Worksportal ensures the collection of data for these vital utilities across all parties.


Deal­ing with cases often involves sev­eral peo­ple and orga­ni­sa­tional par­ties dur­ing its life­time. In order to obtain a solu­tion, answer or res­o­lu­tion, all organisational parties need to con­tribute. The Workspor­tal pro­vides effi­cient and well struc­tured work­ing pro­ce­dures as well as facil­i­ta­tion for smart data col­lec­tion from the right peo­ple and par­ties. All this is done respect­ing the strictest infor­ma­tion security.

An inte­grated part of good case man­age­ment is opti­mising pro­ce­dures. Pro­fes­sional opti­misa­tion of any process must rely on facts and data from real obser­va­tions or trans­ac­tions. 

To create an overview of ongoing projects - Pernexus has developed and designed tailor-made dashboards for customers in the supply industry. Dashboards make it possible to present data in a logical and easily accessible way for the purpose of prediction observation for optimization purposes.

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Online tender management

Online tendering often takes place in other systems for transporting documents in the form of files. Using cat­a­logue tem­plates it is possible to process demand­ing ten­ders in a 
struc­tured and auto­mated sequence with a min­i­mum work­load for 
cus­tomer and sup­plier alike. Therefore, the Worksportal provides a completely different level of possibilities for calculations and price validations, even recalculated on historical data and setting up alternative scenarios across provider and bidder. Upon completion of the tender, the winning bid is activated for an active contract with a single click.


A reduction in production costs - wages and other costs - is the dominant motive behind both the previous and the planned outsourcing, cf. the Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs.
In order to obtain a true cost reduc­tion it is vital to effi­ciently inte­grate
pro­ce­dures and flows of infor­ma­tion within the organisation. 
Workspor­tal sup­ports the exchange and opti­misa­tion of struc­tured
pro­ce­dures between all par­ties in the sourc­ing value chain. All this is done in the indi­vid­ual users own lan­guage and the par­ties’ home cur­rency and localisation.

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