More than 20 years of experience in the utilities industry

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Expansion of the district heating area?
Contact us - we have helped several customers in regards to expansion of the district heating area 

Digital and Agile Platform for Collaboration

The worksportal is a digital platform that assists in man­ag­ing large pub­lic works - and garanties an efficient project management

The Workspor­tal is a digital platform that assists in man­ag­ing large pub­lic works. It is the nexus for all par­ties col­lab­o­rat­ing on a project. The Por­tal ensures that all par­tic­i­pants have the same draw­ings, work spec­i­fi­ca­tions, bud­gets, con­tract infor­ma­tion etc. Furthermore, the par­ties can invoice each other through the 
por­tal and fulfil the pub­lic stan­dards for elec­tronic com­merce and case man­age­ment.

The Workspor­tal can be used by the con­trac­tor deliv­er­ing 
exca­va­tion work to util­i­ties and may itself use sub-​contractors for parts of the work. Further, the portal can support engi­neer­ing 
con­sult­ing ser­vice firms that man­ages projects on behalf of clients. Esti­mates, project plans and ten­ders are instantly shared with all rel­e­vant par­ties and stakeholders.

The Workspor­tal is a cloud based solution – therefore, you only need inter­net access and an account in order to get started. Among others, HOFOR (Copen­hagen Energy) and Elsi­nore Util­ity use the Workpor­tal to opti­mize their work process within the Water, Elec­tric­ity, Gas, Dis­trict Cen­tral Heat­ing and Sewage 

It is very easy to get started - and within only a few weeks your organisation will benefit from using the portal when managing large projects. 
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