We are a soft­ware solu­tion com­pany with almost 20 years of expe­ri­ence work­ing with util­i­ties. We have an enormous knowledge about the processes and chal­lenges fac­ing cons­truc­tion projects involv­ing cables or pipes in the ground or indeed any type of infra­struc­ture development.

We con­tin­u­ously work on improv­ing our main prod­uct — The Workspor­tal. The Workspor­tal is a Soft­ware as a ser­vice (SaaS) plat­form where many dif­fer­ent stakeholders that make up a con­struc­tion project come together and work through the same shared pro­ce­dures and data.

Our team

Michael Søndergaard

Managing Director

Karsten Torp

Technical Director

Bjarne Mobeck

Senior Account Manager

Nicolai Sonne

Software Engineer

Thilde Top

Senior Consultant

Berit Bünger Torp

Senior Account Manager

Mette  Leiholt

Management Consultant

Bjørn Andersen

Senior Consultant

Magnus Larsen

Software Developer

Oline Overholdt


Henrik Theill


Lillian Tuemose


Sissel Drifte


Naja Kærsgaard Jensen

Student assistent

Hans Christian Leth-Nissen

Student assistent
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